Thursday, August 7, 2008

Happy Birthday Rebecca!

Click on Title above for a Larger slide show!

A very close long time friend, Rebecca, is celebrating her birthday next week so I put together a story book slide show of her BIG 40! from last year.
We had a blast. Organized by Jeannie Bankston and Lyle Presse, we covertly assembled Birthday girls house while she was being distracted at a local watering hole, Capt. Hirams on the river. Lyle and Jeannie had also set up an island as well with music, food, refreshments and party goers.
After the prep was done a big portion of us showed up and then whisked her away by boat to the already prepared spoil island.
About 20 people showed up in all and it was a great day spent with friends at one of the best get-a-ways around here, the islands.
As the sun set we made our way back to Hirams, re-grouped and then took Becca back to her already set up house for another round of celebration.
And there it went late into the night.
Do hope you enjoy the pics and the slideshow.

This slide show is created in the storybook format and is ready to be published into a very attractive and durable coffee table book. Email me, with any questions.

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