Monday, September 22, 2008


While enjoying New England I was invited for a last minute stroll along the Streets of Quebec for a photo shoot with Shireen Khavari.
The setting couldn't have been more beautiful nor the subject.
Working with people in an unfamiliar place is quite exciting. With out much time we chased the light on several occasions through the buildings and the streets. Any city has it's own flavor when it comes to light and Quebec is no exception. Bad weather hampered travel and shooting so we worked with whatever openings we had unexpected or not.
Shireen wanted something a little different when updating her recent photos files and was determined to do whatever it took to get something to remember.
I must say her tenacity and commitment was impressive. I carried her heels as we ran around the city chasing the setting sun shooting everything in our path. Who ever was checking us out could tell we were on a mission.
Then even as the temps dropped Shireen never complained always energetic and excited about what we were doing in the middle of one of the oldest cities on the North American Continent. By the time we found an authentic French restaurant I was bid to put the camera down and pay attention to my subject as opposed to my settings.
We didn't really take as many photos as I would have liked and still the mission was accomplished. Below is a small sample hot of the work flow.
I couldn't help but throw in some local shots as well. Enjoy


TARA JONES said...

Harry, you're getting so good. I love the first photo in this series with the woman in the golden light. Keep it up.

TARA JONES said...

Harry, your getting so good with your shots. I love the first photo in the group of series...the one with the woman in the golden light. Keep it up!